Ivan Sandoval
Major/Minor: Science, Technology and Society / Latino Studies Minor
What are your campus involvements? I'm an elected College Representative on the Undergraduate Assembly. I am a member of the Penn Polo Club. I am a PennQuest leader. I am a Researcher at The Wharton School. I am the ex-Chair of Admissions for the Latino Coalition. What's one piece of advice you'd give to underclassmen? Don't be scared to ask the upperclassmen for advice on anything and everything. Also, major in STSC. It is anything you want it to be. Step into my circle if...you like exploring different Hip Hop genres. Three things you cannot live without: 1. Food 2. Water 3. My family If a movie were made on the story of your life, what would the title be? McFarland, USA... Part 2 Email me! [email protected] |